With summer sun in our luggage through the west of Armenia

  The summer heat of July has long since transformed the lush flower meadows in southern Armenia into golden steppe landscape. Fresh greenery can still be found almost only around housing estates, which are often located in river valleys. And the following two typical features that we would like to share with you 😉       After the most southeastern point of our journey, the Tatev monastery, we head northwest for the first time. We will stay in this… Read more…

The land of big hearts and fascinating landscapes – Armenia

  Although situated at an altitude of almost 2000 metres, the weather on the shores of Lake Sevan is mostly mild and we spend relaxing days in hammocks and camping chairs. The only visitors we get are the herds of cows and goats that pass by every day.         In terms of area, Armenia is less than half the size of Bavaria, but it has an average altitude of just under 1,800 metres, making it one of… Read more…

The Shiny Side of the Medal in the Caucasus – Armenia

  Armenia, Georgia’s small neighbour, we approach with scepticism on the one hand – I wonder if the mentality and friendliness here might be different? – but on the other hand, completely unprejudiced. Because when we cross the border, we are still quite uninformed about the country itself. This is not necessarily a disadvantage, but in the case of Bulgaria, for example, it revealed a really nice surprise. Only about the entry itself did we try to inform ourselves in… Read more…

First Steps in the Caucasus – Georgia

Already on the Turkish side, we could notice a change in the vegetation. The further north we moved, the greener it became. This culminated on the Turkish Black Sea coast in slopes full of tea plantations! But we have been looking forward to new discoveries in Georgia for a few days already, so we quickly head towards the border. As usual, we are not allowed to cross the border together in the vehicle. Sophia has to cross the border on… Read more…

Three of us on the road in wild and beautiful Bulgaria

We would never have thought that we would find a four-legged companion again in Bulgaria of all places. Romania had been THE dog country – stray dogs everywhere, in almost every street bay, where the unfortunately unavoidable rubbish collected. In Bulgaria, too, there are these littered bays, but without dogs. And the free-living dogs we see in cities often have a tag in their ear. This probably means that they have been castrated and vaccinated. Very sensible! In this respect,… Read more…

Where the jackals howl…

Bulgaria – what do you know about this country? What associations do you have? Probably very few, perhaps of a political nature or that there is a rather well-known “party mile” on the Black Sea in Bulgaria. Or that Bulgaria is the financially weakest EU country. We at least knew virtually nothing about this country. No one had ever told us about Bulgaria or had even been there before. Obviously there is nothing to report about a country that you… Read more…