Drum bun – “Safe journey” Part 2: Transylvanian Towns and Villages

Our drive through Transylvania takes us through many smaller and larger villages and towns. These make a very welcoming and warm impression on us with their always colourful façades in all kinds of colours and their often well-restored appearance. In many cases, rose bushes or other colourful flowers are planted along the roadsides, and the whole village scene looks very well-kept and friendly to us. Not at all like the fantasy images we had in our heads when we thought… Read more…

Drum Bun – “Safe journey” Part 1: Transylvania and the fortified churches

Romania – so here we are! We were very excited and looking forward to it – after all, we have never heard so much about any other country, especially so many contradictory things. But we already knew that some travellers are totally enthusiastic about it and were accordingly open and curious about the country. It is also the first country of our trip that is impressively large – so it is already clear that we think and choose even more… Read more…